The importance of martial arts for children

In order to have a complete approach, we talked with each of the involved ones: Master Liviu Badescu, his disciple, Vlad Tuţă, 13 years old, and Vlad’s mother, Lavinia Tuţă, who directed him to the martial arts.

Martial arts can be practiced by anyone. Because they make a deep spiritual sense, they make you more tolerant, more conscious that you have not an opponent, but a partner. Martial arts do not encourage contradiction, conflict, and aggression, but when aggression occurs, it teaches you to give the right answer. “, Recommends sensei Liviu Bădescu.

To the question “when is it appropriate to take your child to karate?” and if there is a psychological profile of those who are addressing a martial arts instructor, Sensei claims that physical qualities, but especially mental ones, do not matter. The education of parents and children is more important, so it is necessary to talk to parents first.

Karate addresses girls and boys alike, and it is essential to say that the training builds characters rather than physical strength, and the technical side is always subordinated to the spiritual one.

With regard to child assessment before karate, a preliminary discussion is required with the child and parents. Children are born equal, but they are educated differently, and the way the child is impressed by home education makes a major difference. One can even discuss some directions in which a child performing martial arts can evolve.

Just because they discipline, organize and empower a child. They make him think mature. Later, he can become a good manager, promoted to military higher education institutions.

Due to the fact that good martial training needs to be matched by good intellectual training, children practicing martial arts cultivate special mental qualities and the sense of opportunity that will later help them identify the right living situations and make the right decisions.

Vlad Tuţă, 13, Râmnicu Vâlcea, holder of the brown belt, Karate-do.

“I started practicing karate at the age of five and a half years. It’s the only sport I liked. My mother brought me to the first lesson and I stayed. I like everything I do at the training. It helps me in everything I do. ”

Lavinia Tuţă, Vlad’s mother: “I let him choose what he wants to practice. I took him to see more sports because from the first moment he entered a dojo, he knew what he wanted: “It’s here where I want to stay!” He told me. Even though my brother has practiced all the karate since his childhood (his Sensei is also Liviu Badescu), Vladut learned much later, in order not to influence him in his choice.

Why Karate? Because I like it! – That was Vlad’s answer. In the beginning, the bus station repeats the kata thought (pre-arranged sets of movements and techniques, ritualized struggles – n.r.); at home, even if he could not read, took the books, including those of Mr. Liviu Badescu, he looked at “drawings” – figures, learned and executed them.

At school, being in a sports class (athletics and volleyball), he opted for athletics to maintain his physical condition. The practice of martial arts has brought positive and constructive things to life, but more importantly, the challenge continues with itself to overcome its own performance and to be a winner in the unpredictability of life. “

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