Hanshi Liviu Badescu


Presentation - Liviu Bădescu


As a student at the University of Craiova – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Liviu Bădescu becomes the first internationally recognised master of IGDKF in 1981. Wanting to obtain nothing but the truth he did not hesitate to travel the world (Europe: England, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Holland, Hungary, Slovenia, Belgium, France, Portugal, Norway, Germany, Austria, Luxembourg, Turkey, Czech Republic, Poland, Greece, Bulgaria, Scotland; Asia: Japan, China, Hong-Kong; Africa: Morocco; South America: Cuba, Mexico, Peru, Bolivia; North America: New York, Washington, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles etc.) in order to study alongside the contemporary masters of Budo: Takeshi Sawada (10th DAN), Andre’ Batille’ (9th DAN), Geyne Reid (8th DAN), Shizuya Sato (10th DAN), Hirokazu Kanazawa (10th DAN), Jun Osano (7th DAN), Katsua Yamaguchi (10th DAN), Seirin Tsumari (9th DAN), Terutaka Oshima (10th DAN), Hans Rauscher (8th DAN), Kurt Schoffmann (7th DAN) etc.

In 1991 Liviu Bădescu becomes federal coach of FRAM (Romanian Federation of Martial Arts) and is requested to be incorporated as a civilian professional in the “Panait Donici” Military Institute of Engineers, Constructions and Railway from Râmnicu Vâlcea.

Hanshi Bădescu is the producer and screen writer of a short film about Martial Arts called Silent Weapon (Arma Tăcută). The film was awarded a prize by the Bucharest Cinematography Institute and was used in training the staff of the Ministry on National Defence and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

He is also the author of:

  • Martial Arts (Arte Marțiale), printing house Teora 1998 and 2000
  • Spirit of GOSHIN-DO the Chance of a New Existence (Spiritul GOSHIN-DO Șansa unei noi existențe), printing house Info-Shizuka, Craiova 2005
  • AIKIGOSHIN-DO – Technical and Spiritual Depths (AIKIGOSHIN-DO – Profunzimi tehnice și spirituale), printing house Info-Shizuka, Craiova 2003

Hanshi Bădescu takes part in the most important manifestations of Martial Arts in the world both as student and professor. In 1996 he becomes a member of IMAF-Kokusai Budoin, being examined in the presence of professor Shizuya Sato (10th DAN) – the head of this prestigious organisation.

He is invited multiple times in Japan by important names of word wide Budo and is recognised publicly on national television as a good comrade and excellent teacher by representatives of other styles.

Liviu Bădescu (Hanshi 8th DAN karate-do, Shihan 7th DAN aikijutsu, 3rd DAN nihon jujutsu) is respected by many as well as envied.
In 2001, together with other personalities, he lays the foundation of the Romanian Federation of Karate and Aiki Goshin-Do, continuing to perfect his knowledge in order to transmit his best to that who earns his trust.


For seminars please contact Hanshi Liviu Bădescu at:
E-Mail: badesculiviu@yahoo.com
Mobile: +40744709550